The Rajasthan High Court has announced the opening for a Junior Division Civil Judge in Rajasthan. This Rajasthan judicial services 2024 notification represents an excellent opportunity for eligible candidates to become Rajasthan Civil Judges.
Before applying for this position, candidates should carefully read the Rajasthan High Court’s notification as it contains all the information, they’re required to know about the eligibility process, primarily the syllabus.
Rajasthan Judicial Services: Eligibility Requirements
Age Eligibility:
- For a candidate the Rajasthan Judicial services age limit must be at least 21 years old to participate in the RJS examination.
- No candidate may be older than 40 in the General category.
- Candidates who are female or who fall under the SC, ST, or OBC categories are eligible for a five-year relaxation.
Education Eligibility Requirements:
- Applicants must have completed a three- or five-year integrated course toward their legal degree, as well as a Bachelor of Laws (LL.B.) from an accredited university.
- However, if candidates intend to take the RJS examination in their final semester of graduation, they must produce their final graduation certificate prior to the main exam.
- Candidates who are in their final year of graduation are also qualified to take the examination.
Other Eligibility Requirements:
- The applicants must be citizens of India.
- The applicants must be psychologically and physically fit for the role.
- The applicants must possess moral integrity.
Rajasthan Judicial services Syllabus 2024
The following is included in the revised Rajasthan judicial services 2024 syllabus for the Civil Judge Cadre examination:
- The Preliminary Examination (Objective-type);
- The Written Main Examination (Subjective-type); and
- An Interview.
The Preliminary Examination: Syllabus (100 marks)
- The first stage i.e., the preliminary examination will be an objective one.
- 70 questions of the 100 questions go toward the subjects that comprise the Law Paper syllabus and
- 15 questions of the 100 questions go toward evaluating language proficiency in Hindi and English.
- There are going to be a maximum of 100 questions on the preliminary examination, with a maximum score of 100.
- If a preliminary exam question is answered incorrectly, no negative marks will be given.
- The preliminary examination is scheduled to last approximately two hours.
- Proficiency in Tenses
- Proficiency in Articles and Determiners
- Proficiency in Phrasal Verbs and Idioms
- Proficiency in Active & Passive Voice
- Proficiency in Co-ordination & Subordination
- Proficiency in Direct and Indirect Speech
- Proficiency in Modals expressing various concepts- (Obligation, Request, Permission, Prohibition,
- Proficiency in Intention, Condition, Probability, Possibility, Purpose, Reason, Companions,
- Contrast.)
- Proficiency in Antonyms and Synonyms.
- शब्दरचना- संधिएवंसंधिधवच्छेद, समास, उपसर्गप्रत्यय
- तत्सम, अिगतत्सम, तद्भव, देशज, धवदेशी
- (संज्ञा] सवगनाम] धवशेषण] धिया] अव्यय (धियाधवशेषण, सम्बन्धसूचक] धवस्मयबोिकधनपात)
- शब्दज्ञान: पयागयवाची, धवलोम, शब्दयुग्ोंकाअर्गभेद, वाक्ांशकेधलएसार्गकशब्द, धभन्नार्गक
- शब्द, समानार्ीशब्दोंकाधववेक, उपयुक्तशब्दचयन, �
- शब्दशुद्धि
- व्याकरधणककोधियााँ: परसर्ग, धलंर्, वचन, पुरुष, काल, वृधि, पक्ष, वाच्य
- वाक्रचना
- वाक्शुद्धि
- धवरामधचन्ोंकाप्रयोर्
- मुहावरे/ लोकोद्धक्तयााँ
- पररभाधषकशब्दावली: प्रशासधनक, धवधिक (धवशेषतः)
The Mains Examination: Syllabus (300 marks)
The mains examination will have four exam papers and be of a subjective nature.
Syllabus of Law Paper I: 100 marks
- Questions will be posed from Code of Civil Procedure,l908
- Questions will be posed from The Constitution of India
- Questions will be posed from the Indian Contract Act,1872
- Questions will be posed from The Indian Evidence Act,1872
- Questions will be posed from The Limitation Act, 1963
- Questions will be posed from The Specific Relief Act, 1963
- Questions will be posed from The Transfer of Property Act, 1882
- Questions will be posed from Interpretation of Statues
- Questions will be posed from The Rajasthan Rent Control Act, 2001
- Questions will be posed from Order/Judgment Writing.
Syllabus of Law Paper II: 100 marks
- Questions will be posed from The Code of Criminal Procedure, 1973
- Questions will be posed from The Indian Evidence Act,1872
- Questions will be posed from The Indian Penal Code, 1860
- Questions will be posed from The Juvenile Justice (Care and Protection of Children) Act, 2015
- Questions will be posed from The Negotiable Instruments Act, 1881 (Chapter XVII)
- Questions will be posed from The Probation of Offenders Act, 1958
- Questions will be posed from The Protection of Women from Domestic Violence Act, 2005
- Questions will be posed from The Indecent Representation of Women (Prohibition) Act, 1986
- Questions will be posed from The Protection of Children from Sexual Offences Act, 2012
- Questions will be posed from The Sexual Harassment of Women at Workplace (Prevention, Prohibition andRedressal) Act, 2013
- Questions will be posed from Framing of Charge /Judgment Writing.
Syllabus of HINDI PAPER I: 50 marks
- An essay in Hindi with a maximum score of 50.
Syllabus of ENGLISH PAPER II: 50 marks
- An English essay with a maximum score of 50.
The Interview: 35 marks
- A candidate’s suitability for the job will be assessed during the interview in addition to their performance history at the school, college, and university.
- There are 35 marks available for the duration of the interview. The interview phase is a face-to-face chat with an expert team of examiners who assess the talents.
- A general knowledge test will be administered to the candidate, covering topics such as comprehension of current affairs and issues.
All the best for your exams!